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Anjali Shukla, the Grade 5 English teacher, had tears running down her face as she couldn’t help but laugh over an answer written by a student, Bobby Grewal. The question was supposed to be:

Name 5 popular idioms.

However, due to a typo, the question read:

Name 5 popular idiots.

Bobby’s answer was:
“Class Monitor Deepesh is a popular idiot who thinks he is very intelligent and his grandfather was Einstein.
Bhavana is another idiot who likes to munch on Nestle’s Crunch chocolate.
Pinky, Jatin, and Vineet are rich idiots who think they own the school.

Trying to compose herself, Ms. Shukla turned to the next answer by Bobby, hoping for something less amusing. The question read:

Q2: Use the idiom ‘raining cats and dogs’ in a sentence.

Bobby’s answer was:
Yesterday, it was raining cats and dogs, and I had to chase my neighbor’s dog out of our garden while avoiding all the cats falling from the sky.

Suppressing a giggle, Ms. Shukla moved to the next question:

Q3: What is a metaphor?

Bobby had written:
A metaphor is when you say something is something else. Like, my little brother is a tornado because he destroys everything in his path, especially my room. But I have a doubt. What happened to Metaone, Metatwo, and MetaThree?

By now, Anjali was struggling to keep a straight face but managed to read the next one:

Q4: Write a simile to describe how someone runs fast.

Bobby’s answer read:
She runs as fast as a chicken on roller skates trying to cross the highway.

Wiping away tears of laughter, Anjali read the final question on Bobby’s paper:

Q5: Explain the difference between a synonym and an antonym.

Bobby humorously penned:
A synonym commands Nym not to see any nym (sy-no-nym) and antonym means an ant calling a nym(ant-o-nym).

Ms. Shukla, though finding it challenging to maintain her composure, continued to read the next question:

Q6: Write a short paragraph using alliteration.

Bobby wrote:
“Bobby’s big blue balloon burst because Benny’s bulldog bit it. Benny begged Bobby for forgiveness, but Bobby’s blue balloon was beyond repair.”

Stifling her laughter, she moved on to:

Q7: Define hyperbole and give an example.

Bobby’s response was:
Hyperbole is when you exaggerate so much that it sounds ridiculous. Like when I say I have a mountain of homework, but it’s really just one worksheet.

Ms. Shukla, shaking her head in amusement, read the next:

Q8: What is onomatopoeia? Give an example.

Bobby’s answer:
Onomatopoeia is when a word sounds like the noise it makes. Like ‘buzz’ for bees or ‘boom’ for explosions. Or like my dad snoring, which goes ‘ZZZZZZZ.

Barely containing her giggles, she turned to:

Q9: Write a sentence with a pun.

Bobby’s witty reply:
I haven’t heard of a pun. It might be a long lost cousin of a bun.

Finally, Ms. Shukla reached the last question:

Q10: What is irony?

Bobby’s answer read:
It’s Rony introducing himself, ” I Rony, and you? “

Barely catching her breath, Ms. Shukla read on:

Q11: Create a tongue twister with at least five words.

Bobby wrote:
Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.

With tears of laughter in her eyes, she continued:

Q12: What is personification? Give an example.

Bobby’s creative response:
Personification is when you give human traits to things that aren’t human. Like when my alarm clock yells at me every morning whereas my bed begs me not to go.

Anjali took a deep breath and read the next one:

Q13: Write a sentence using the idiom ‘barking up the wrong tree.

Bobby’s answer:
My sister thought I ate her candy, but she was barking up the wrong tree – it was our dog.

Shaking her head with a smile, she moved on:

Q14: Explain the meaning of ‘break the ice’ and use it in a sentence.

Bobby’s response:
Break the ice is to break a big piece of ice into several pieces so that we could dump them in juice glasses.
My dad broke the ice tray along with the ice.

Ms. Shukla’s laughter was now uncontrollable as she reached the final question:

Q 15: Write a short story using the phrase piece of cake.

Bobby’s story:
My neighbor offered us a piece of cake that she had made. It was harder than that of Hagrid’s rock cakes and my sister lost a tooth when she tried to take a bite.

Anjali Shukla, though finding it challenging to maintain her composure, couldn’t help but admire Bobby’s creative approach. As she handed back the papers, she decided to have a little chat with Bobby about the importance of serious answers, though secretly, she looked forward to his next witty response.

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How do I narrate my sorry tale!I try for a unique marketing strategy but I fail.
I shout from rooftops, "Buy my book, it's grand!"
But alas, my efforts vanish like grains of sand.

I brainstorm ideas, oh so clever and sly,
But my attempts at promotion seem to just die.
I dress up as characters, perform on the street,
Yet passersby just hurry, with no glance, no greet.

I try online ads, with catchy lines and flair,
But my budget dwindles, with no buyers to spare.
I offer freebies, discounts, and giveaways galore,
But my books still collect dust, forgotten on the floor.

I hire a skywriter, to etch my book's name,
But the clouds obscure it, as if in disdain.
I even offer a free book with an author's sign,
But people just laugh, saying, "That's not meant to be mine! "

"Oh marketing woes, how you plague my mind,
In this endless struggle, what solace can I find?But wait, perhaps laughter is the key to success,
So here's my pitch: "Buy my book, and relieve your stress!"

So take a chance on my tale, both witty and wise,
And together we'll laugh, beneath marketing's skies.
For in this crazy world, a good laugh's worth a lot,
And in my book, you'll find laughter's jackpot!

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. 😊😊

#MarketingMisadventures #BookPromoBlues #LaughWithMyBook #SellingWithSilliness #CreativeFailures #AuthorStruggles #HilariousBookSales #MarketingMayhem #HumorInSales #PromoProblems



Photo by Lisa Fotios on

Radhika Verma glanced out her window with a sigh. Mrs. Vandana Gadhvi, her meddlesome neighbor, was at it again, peeking through the curtains and plotting matchmaking schemes involving Radhika and her nephew Shashank.

Fed up with Mrs. Gadhvi’s relentless interference, Radhika devised a mischievous plan. Knowing Mrs. Gadhvi’s weaknesses for astrology and money, she enlisted the help of her friend Supriya to orchestrate a series of prank calls.

Prank Call #1:

The Horrorscope

Radhika and Supriya huddled over the phone, stifling giggles as Supriya dialed Mrs. Gadhvi’s number.

Ring… ring…

Vandana Gadhvi: Hello?Supriya (as Mrs. Gadhi): Namaste, Mrs. Gadhvi. This is Mrs. Gadhi calling from the Astrological Society of Mumbai.

Vandana Gadhvi: Oh, hello! What can I do for you?

Supriya: I have some concerning news regarding your neighbor, Radhika Verma. According to her horoscope, she poses a grave threat to her future in-laws.

Vandana Gadhvi: Goodness gracious! What kind of threat?

Supriya: It seems Radhika’s cooking skills are… shall we say, less than stellar. Her future in-laws are at risk of dysentery and severe stomach problems if they dine at her table.

Vandana Gadhvi: Oh dear! I must warn Shashank’s parents immediately. Thank you for letting me know!

Supriya (struggling to contain laughter): You’re welcome, Mrs. Gadhvi. Take care now.

*End of Call*

Later that evening, Vandana paid a visit to Radhika’s parents, her face a mix of embarrassment and resignation.

“I apologize for all the trouble I’ve caused. It seems my nephew, Shashank, has found someone else. If only Radhika had known how to cook…” She recounted the call she received from the purported Astrological Society of Mumbai, realizing only then the absurdity of the situation.

Radhika’s parents exchanged knowing glances, stifling their laughter as they listened to Vandana’s tale. They made no attempt to explain or correct her misunderstanding. After Vandana left, the entire family erupted into laughter, unable to contain their amusement at the prank Radhika had pulled off.

Undeterred by the previous incident, Mrs. Gadhvi continued her relentless meddling, offering unsolicited advice to Radhika on everything from culinary skills to attracting potential suitors. Despite Radhika’s polite refusals, Mrs. Gadhvi persisted in her well-meaning but intrusive attempts to mold her into the perfect wife and daughter-in-law.

Frustrated by Mrs. Gadhvi’s persistent interference, Radhika sought refuge in her trusted confidante, Supriya. Together, they concocted yet another prank to put Mrs. Gadhvi’s nosiness to rest.Radhika and Supriya concocted another scheme.

Ring… ring…

Vandana Gadhvi: Hello?

Supriya (using a different voice): Namaste, Mrs. Gadhvi. Congratulations! You’ve won a free consultation with Dr. Pankaj Gulati worth ₹20,000!

Vandana Gadhvi (excitedly): Oh, how wonderful! When can I schedule the appointment?

Supriya (struggling to contain laughter again): Dr. Gulati is available tomorrow afternoon. Shall I book it for you?

Vandana Gadhvi: Yes, yes, please do! This is such a blessing!

*End of Call*

After the second call…

Radhika: Did she fall for it?

Supriya (between fits of laughter): Hook, line, and sinker! She thinks she’s won a health check-up with a renowned doctor.

Radhika: But Pankaj Gulati is a psychiatrist!

Supriya: Exactly! This is going to be priceless.

The duo dissolved into laughter, reveling in the success of their prank and looking forward to Mrs. Gadhvi’s reaction when she discovered the truth about her “free consultation.”After this trick, Mrs. Vandana Gadhvi, finally learned to mind her own business.

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. 😊😊

#MeddlingNeighbor #PranksterRadhika #NosyNeighbors #BestFriendsForever #NeighborlyNuisance




Oh, the eternal struggle of deciding what to cook for breakfast, lunch, and dinner—it’s the Homemaker’s Hamlet moment, “To cook or not to cook, that is the question.” But let’s not kid ourselves; the real dilemma is what to cook. This culinary conundrum is a universal theme, transcending kitchens and creeping into the lives of content creators, YouTubers, bloggers, and writers, who stare into the abyss of their creative souls only to ask, “What on earth do I post today?”

This “what to” conundrum doesn’t stop at the stove or the keyboard. It’s a multi-faceted beast. Consider the wardrobe warzone. Standing before a closet full of clothes yet declaring, “I have nothing to wear!” is the fashion equivalent of staring into a full fridge and claiming there’s nothing to eat. The paradox! The drama!

Then, there’s the digital doom scroll. “What to watch?” becomes an evening enigma, as you spend more time browsing Netflix than actually watching anything. It’s the paradox of choice in its full, glowing glory, turning us all into indecisive zombies.

For those with a bit of wanderlust, “Where to travel next?” can lead to hours lost in the rabbit hole of Instagram travel feeds, where every destination looks like a #TopBucketList spot, and you end up overwhelmed and just visiting your aunt in the next town over—again.

Even the act of reading isn’t safe. Book lovers wander the aisles of bookstores or fall down online review holes wondering, “What to read next?” only to re-read Harry Potter for the umpteenth time. It’s a safe choice; after all, Hogwarts always feels like coming home.

So, whether you’re battling the “what to cook” saga, stuck in a creative rut wondering “what to post,” or drowning in the sea of endless choices, remember, you’re not alone. The struggle is real, and oddly enough, it’s what unites us in our uniquely human way of making life unnecessarily complicated.

And if all else fails, remember: Breakfast for dinner is always a valid option, and posting about your indecision might just be the relatable content your followers didn’t know they needed.

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. 😊😊





In the land of English, where rules abound,
Lies a grammar maze, where logic is drowned.
Here vowels and consonants play hide-and-seek,
And the rules they follow are uniquely freak.

"I before E, except after C,"
Whispers a rule, quite gleefully.
But then come weird, sovereign, and their friends,
Laughing at how this rule bends and ends.

Plurals are simple, just add an "s" or "es,"
But wait! Here come child, mice, and geese.
"Why not childs, mouses, or gooses?" you ask.
English smirks, "That’s too easy a task.

"Verbs? Oh, they're a delightful mess,
With tenses that cause nothing but stress.
"I read," you say, and that's quite fine,
But "I read" yesterday? The same line!

Adjectives before nouns, they firmly state,
Until "The cat black" sounds oddly great.
But in poems and songs, where rules are loose,
"The great black cat" might be called "the cat, great and obtuse."

Prepositions at the end, a rule to disdain,
"Where are you at?" can drive some insane.
But in casual talk, it’s perfectly fine,
To end with "at," "in," or "on," and not resign.

Then there are words that sound just the same,
But their meanings and spellings aren't the same game.
There's "there," "their," and "they’re" in this plot,
Understanding their use, a skill finely wrought.

Oh, the chaos, the madness, the unbridled fun,
Of mastering English, which can never be done.
For every rule made, there’s an exception to find,
In the whimsical, wacky world of the English mind.

So here's to the language, with its rules so bizarre,
That learning it fully seems quite afar.
But worry not, for in this grammatical spree,
We're all in this together, you and me.

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. 😊😊

#EnglishGrammarChaos#GrammarMaze #SpellingBeeNightmare #PluralPuzzles #VerbTenseTangle #AdjectiveAdventures #PrepositionPredicament#HomophoneHavoc #GrammarRulesGoneWild #LearningEnglishWithLaughs



To Post Or Not To Post.

Lekha and Rhea Patel, the dynamic duo of comedy in The Oshiwara Colony, Mumbai, were used to entertaining audiences with their quick wit and sharp humor. However, nothing could have prepared them for the arrival of their father’s cousin, Ramakant, along with his wife Nisha and their two sons, Mukul and Rohan. What was supposed to be a brief visit had turned into a week-long ordeal, as the Patel family descended upon their home and proceeded to wreak havoc on their lives.Lekha and Rhea’s parents and grandmother were fed up with their antics.

Lekha had a brilliant idea and whispered her plans to Rhea who giggled and gave her thumbs up to put their plan into action. They started clicking pictures of Ramakant and his family.

As she scrolled through the absurd pictures she’d taken, she couldn’t resist adding captions that perfectly captured the essence of their visit.

Caption 1: Meet Mr. Ramakant, the Oshiwara Colony’s very own expert nose cleaner. For a nose-picking experience like no other, call 0123456789. Satisfaction guaranteed or your nose hair back!

Lekha stifled a laugh as she continued.

Caption 2: Introducing Mrs. Nisha Patel, the hair maestro. Need a head massage or lice removal? Just 100₹ each! Warning: May cause uncontrollable laughter.

She could hardly contain herself as she thought about Mukul’s cockroach encounter.

Caption 3: Think your kids are a handful? Watch Mukul, the human monkey, master the art of clinging to his mom after a close encounter with a cockroach. Monkey business at its finest!

The image of Rohan attempting a somersault was too good to pass up.

Caption 4: Rohan, the fashion innovator. Hate your pants? No worries! Call Rohan for expert pant-tearing services. A hole new wardrobe awaits you!

Lekha couldn’t help but burst into laughter as she tackled the family dinner photo.

Caption 5: Ever seen crocodiles or hippos devour their meals with gusto? Neither have we, but behold the Patel family, masters of wide-mouthed dining. A spectacle you can’t unsee!

She grinned at her creative captions, finding solace in humor amidst the chaos. As the week unfolded, Lekha and Rhea’s laughter became their shield against the antics of the Patel family, turning their misadventures into a comedy of errors that would be remembered for years to come.

Lekha couldn’t resist the temptation to share her masterpieces with the entire family, including Ramakant and his wife. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she sent the photos and captions flying through the family group chat, knowing full well the uproar they would cause.

As the messages pinged on everyone’s phones, chaos ensued. Ramakant and Nisha’s expressions morphed from confusion to horror as they realized the extent of their embarrassment. Hastily packing their bags, they made a swift exit, eager to escape the impending humiliation of Lekha’s Facebook post.

With their departure, Lekha and her family heaved a collective sigh of relief, their home returning to its peaceful state once more. And as Lekha hit the “post” button, she couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of the reactions her photos would elicit from their friends and neighbors. After all, a little laughter was the perfect remedy for even the most chaotic of family visits.

Note : Lekha and Rhea Patel are the beloved characters from my book, “The Misadventures of The Comedienne Sisters,” available for purchase on Amazon, Flipkart, and Notionpress. This standalone short story offers a delightful glimpse into their world of comedy and chaos.

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#OshiwaraColonyComedyQueens #FamilyAntics #NosePickingExpert #LiceRemovalGurus #MonkeyBusiness #WardrobeMalfunctionMaster #DinnerTimeDrama #FacebookFiasco #LaughterIsTheBestMedicine



Photo by Mateus Souza on

The Art of Crying: A Hilarious Dive into Tearful Territories

Crying – the universal language of expressing emotions, whether it’s genuine sorrow, sheer frustration, or the result of a particularly potent onion. But let’s face it, crying is not just a biological reaction; it’s an art form, a performance that can rival even the most seasoned actors in Hollywood (or Bollywood, for that matter).

In the grand gallery of human expression, crying stands tall as the Mona Lisa of emotional outbursts – mysterious, nuanced, and open to interpretation. From the heart-wrenching sobs of a melodramatic soap opera star to the subtle sniffles of a toddler denied a second cookie, crying comes in all shapes, sizes, and degrees of authenticity.

The Classification of Tears:

Genuine Tears: These are the real deal, folks. Shed in response to actual emotional stimuli, such as heartbreak, loss, or the realization that your favorite ice cream shop has closed down. Genuine tears are like liquid truth serum – they reveal the raw emotions bubbling beneath the surface.

Crocodile Tears: Ah, the stuff of legends. Crocodile tears are the fine wine of emotional manipulation, shed not out of genuine distress but rather to elicit sympathy, guilt, or a free pass to skip household chores. Often accompanied by theatrical wailing and chest-beating, crocodile tears are more common than you’d think, especially in the wild jungles of family gatherings and workplace drama.

Onion Tears: No tears quite capture the essence of culinary agony like onion tears. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a hopeless kitchen klutz, slicing into an onion is a guaranteed ticket to Sob City. Bonus points if you manage to blame your watery eyes on a particularly moving episode of “MasterChef.”

Glycerin Tears: Hollywood’s best-kept secret (well, not anymore). When genuine tears just won’t cut it, enter glycerin tears – the unsung heroes of cinematic sob fests. Applied liberally to the eyes, glycerin creates the illusion of heart-wrenching despair without the pesky side effects of actual emotions. Take a bow, Tinseltown, for your mastery of the art of fake crying.

The Hilarious Scenarios:

Picture this: a sunny day, a picturesque picnic spot, and a sudden downpour that sends everyone scrambling for cover. Cue the waterworks as soggy sandwiches and ruined potato salad become the catalysts for a family-wide crying fest. Who needs rainbows when you have the collective misery of a ruined picnic?And let’s not forget the timeless tradition of the “bride’s family farewell cry.” As the blushing bride embarks on her journey into wedded bliss, her family bids her adieu with a symphony of sniffles, sobs, and strategically placed handkerchiefs. It’s a tearful spectacle worthy of its own reality show – “Say Yes to the Tears.”But perhaps the pièce de résistance of crying hilarity lies in the world of entertainment, where actresses transform their tears into works of art. With all the subtlety of a freight train and the grace of a swan on roller skates, these leading ladies deliver tear-soaked performances that leave audiences simultaneously moved and mildly perplexed. Who knew crying could be a multi-act extravaganza?

And don’t even get me started on those actresses who cry in installments, as if they’ve been suffering from constipation for several days. It’s a sight to behold, folks.And let’s not overlook the urge to cry when unexpected guests at your home decide to extend their stay. What started as a polite weekend visit morphs into a week-long residency, complete with overstayed welcomes and dwindling supplies of patience.

As the days drag on and the small talk becomes excruciatingly repetitive, the temptation to unleash a torrent of tears becomes almost irresistible. Who needs houseguests when you have involuntary emotional outbursts?

In conclusion, dear readers, whether you’re shedding tears of joy, sorrow, or sheer absurdity, remember this: crying is not just an emotional release, but a comedic masterpiece waiting to be unleashed upon the world. So grab your tissues, strike a dramatic pose, and let the tears flow – after all, laughter is just one tear away.

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#CryingComedy #TearsOfLaughter #OnionTears #CrocodileTears #GenuineEmotions #HollywoodSobFests #FamilyDrama #PicnicPerils #BrideFarewellCry #UnexpectedGuests #HomeStayExtended



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The Upside of Terrible Handwriting: Embrace the Scribble Life!Are you tired of people always complimenting your penmanship? Do you long for the days when deciphering your notes was like decoding ancient hieroglyphics? Fear not, fellow scrawlers, for there are hidden treasures in the realm of atrocious handwriting!

Here are the uproarious advantages of proudly possessing a penmanship that even chickens would scoff at:

Built-in Encryption System: Forget about worrying whether anyone will snoop through your notes. With your cryptic scribbles, your secrets are safe! Even the NSA would throw their hands up in defeat trying to decipher your grocery list.

Instant Origami Master: Your paper is a canvas, and your illegible handwriting is the brushstroke that turns it into a masterpiece! Fold your notes into intricate paper cranes or intricate paper hats – no one will be the wiser to the nonsensical musings within.

Time-Saver Extraordinaire: Need to jot down a quick note? With your indecipherable scrawl, you can blaze through writing tasks at lightning speed! No need for elaborate calligraphy when a chicken scratch will do.

Job Security in the Digital Age: In a world where typing reigns supreme, your chicken scratch handwriting is a rare gem! Employers will marvel at your unique skill set and cling to you like a life raft in a sea of Arial font.

Icebreaker Supreme: Tired of awkward silences at parties? Whip out a handwritten note and watch as your friends gather ‘round, eagerly attempting to decipher your chicken scratch hieroglyphs. It’s like a game of charades, but with ink!

Natural Disaster Immunity: While others panic at the thought of their meticulously handwritten journals being destroyed in a flood, you can rest easy knowing that your disaster-proof chicken scratch will emerge unscathed, ready to baffle future generations.

Automatic Excuse Generator: Misspelled a word? No problem! Blame it on your atrocious handwriting and watch as sympathy and forgiveness rain down upon you like confetti at a parade.

Master of Indecipherable Rants: Ever been so frustrated with someone that you wished you could unleash a written tirade of colorful language upon them? Well, with your incomprehensible handwriting, you can do just that! Scribble away in a frenzy of fury, safe in the knowledge that your target will never decipher your scathing words. It’s the ultimate passive-aggressive revenge tactic!

Pharmaceutical Phenomenon: Dream of becoming a doctor but lack the steady hand required for surgery? Fear not! Your illegible handwriting is your ticket to medical greatness. Pharmacists will marvel at your ability to produce prescriptions that resemble ancient scrolls unearthed from the depths of a crypt. Who needs legible handwriting when you can inspire awe and admiration in the hearts of pharmacists everywhere?

So, fellow scribblers, let your chicken scratch flag fly high! Whether you’re penning clandestine messages, forging a career in medicine, or simply unleashing your inner rant artist, your terrible handwriting is a gift to be cherished and celebrated.

Keep scribbling on, you magnificent enigmas of the written word! Embrace the chaos of your penmanship and revel in the laughter and confusion it brings. After all, in a world of Times New Roman conformity, isn’t it refreshing to stand out like a sore thumb with a penmanship that would make a doctor blush? Keep scribbling on, you magnificent chicken scratch artists!

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#ScribbleLife #IllegibleGang #ChickenScratchArtists #HandwritingHilarity #PharmaceuticalPhenomenon #RantArtist #InkFury #IndecipherableInk #PenmanshipPeculiarities #ScribbleAndThrill



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Hi Friends,

Ever pondered why Television earned the moniker “Idiot Box”? Well, it’s not the TV itself that’s the dunce; it’s us, the viewers. We’re the ones tuning in to mind-numbing programs instead of opting for enriching content on channels like National Geographic or The Discovery Channel. Sure, Netflix and Amazon Prime offer binge-worthy delights, but those channels peddling daily soaps could stand to up their game. It’s high time they prioritize quality over mindless melodrama.

In the twisted universe of Tamil TV serials where imagination goes to die and common sense is on an extended vacation, it’s like the scriptwriters attended a creativity demolition derby. Picture this: kidnappings are more frequent than your grandma’s chai breaks, and Pongal celebrations linger longer than that one relative who can’t take a hint.

In this never-ending saga of suspense, protagonists are in perpetual danger, villains have a PhD in tarnishing good-boy and good-girl images, and logic? Oh, it bid a tearful farewell ages ago, probably sipping a coconut on a beach somewhere. These serials have turned into a crime school, teaching aspiring criminals how to plot murder, pick the right poison, and create marital discord like it’s a competitive sport.

Move over monsters-in-law; the new dynamic duo is a bald uncle and his crooked wife, proving that even family drama can use a makeover. Meanwhile, in a soap opera where time has its own rulebook, the heroine has been in a coma longer than it takes to decide what to watch on Netflix. Her brother’s been kidnapped, her sister’s hitched to an alcoholic, and the hero’s drugged more often than a caffeinated squirrel.

And then there’s CID – the holy grail of sanity in this chaos. It’s the only place where crimes make more sense than a daily soap’s plot twist. So, let’s join hands and send a fervent prayer to the TV gods: please resurrect the storytelling skills of these scriptwriters. May they rediscover the lost art of coherent narratives and save us from drowning in this sea of melodramatic absurdity. Amen to that, and may the humor be with us!

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. 😊😊 

#IdiotBoxBlues #QualityOverMelodrama #EnrichYourMind #NationalGeographicFTW #DiscoveryChannelRocks #NetflixAndChill #AmazonPrimeDelights



Photo by Antoni Shkraba on

The phone rang incessantly at Shanti Traders, echoing through the bustling office like a siren of hope and despair. Mrs. Priya, a fiery woman with a penchant for sarcasm and a low tolerance for nonsense, snatched the receiver from its cradle.

“Hello?” she barked, already annoyed by the interruption.

“Good morning, ma’am! We’re calling from, and we’re thrilled to inform you about our exclusive matchmaking services tailored just for you!” a chipper voice chirped from the other end.

Mrs. Priya’s eyes narrowed, her patience wearing thin. “Exclusive matchmaking services? Tailored for me? Do you have any idea who you’re calling?”

The voice on the other end faltered for a moment before recovering. “Um, well, ma’am, we believe you’re single and looking for love…”

Mrs. Priya scoffed, her irritation reaching its peak. “Single? Looking for love? Let me tell you something, sweetheart. I’ve been married for twenty-five years, and slogging like a slave, both at home and the office. I am rather looking for peace of mind. So, stop ruining happy innocent lives.If you call this number again, I’ll make sure to find out your phone lock password and share it with your husband. Got it?”

The line went silent, the caller undoubtedly cowering in fear at Mrs. Priya’s formidable wrath. Satisfied with her retaliation, she slammed the phone back onto its cradle and returned to her crossword puzzle, muttering colorful expletives under her breath.

The phone at continued its relentless melody of hope and despair, each ring a potential connection or a calamity waiting to unfold. This time, the call connected to Mrs. Sharma, a woman with a wit as sharp as her culinary skills.

“Good morning, ma’am! We’re calling from, and we’re delighted to introduce you to our exclusive matchmaking services,” the chipper voice chirped, blissfully unaware of the storm brewing on the other end.

Mrs. Sharma’s lips curled into a mischievous smile as she considered her response. “Ah, matchmaking services, you say? How about this for a suggestion: supply brides and grooms with a label indicating the shelf life of the marriage. Best before date and all that jazz.”

There was a moment of stunned silence before the caller burst into laughter, unable to contain their amusement at Mrs. Sharma’s unexpected wit. “Ma’am, you’re a riot! If only we could implement that, life would be so much simpler.”

Mrs. Sharma chuckled in return, the tension dissipating as quickly as it had arisen. “Well, a little humor never hurt anyone, now did it? But I’m afraid I’ll have to pass on your services. I’m happily married, you see, and I wouldn’t want to disrupt the delicate balance of my blissful union.”

The caller chuckled in agreement, bidding Mrs. Sharma farewell before disconnecting the call. As Mrs. Sharma returned to her household chores, a sense of satisfaction washed over her.

Meanwhile, in a dimly lit room on the outskirts of the city, Bob, a disgruntled hacker with a bone to pick, cracked his knuckles and prepared to wreak havoc on His wife’s incessant nagging for the perfect match had pushed him to the edge, and he was ready to unleash his revenge.

Profile 1:

Name: Rahul
Age: As old as the hills, but with the energy of a toddler on a sugar high.
Education: Graduate of the School of Hard Knocks, majoring in mischief and minor in mayhem.
Seeks a partner in crime for late-night pizza runs, Netflix binges, and impromptu dance-offs in the living room.

Bob smirked as he typed away, injecting Rahul’s profile with just the right amount of chaos and charm. “Let’s see how they handle this one,” he mused to himself.

Profile 2:

Name: Simran
Age: Forever young, like a fine wine aging in the cellar (but please don’t ask for a specific number).
Education: Self-proclaimed expert in the art of sarcasm, with a PhD in witty comebacks.
Seeks a partner who can keep up with her banter, make her laugh until she cries, and never says no to a midnight snack.

Bob chuckled as he crafted Simran’s profile, imagining the havoc she would wreak on any unsuspecting suitor. “Let’s spice things up a bit,” he said with a devilish grin.

Profile 3:

Name: Arjun
Age: Ageless, like the mysteries of the universe or that jar of pickles in the back of the fridge.
Education: Dropout from the School of Normality, with a knack for thinking outside the box.
Seeks a partner who isn’t afraid to color outside the lines, chase after their dreams with reckless abandon, and dance like nobody’s watching.

Bob leaned back in his chair, his fingers dancing across the keyboard as he put the finishing touches on Arjun’s profile. “Let the games begin,” he declared, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

He added two more profiles :

Name : Mahesh
Age: Old enough to take care of himself
Education : University of Boaston ( Boston)
Seeks a bride without brain so that she would be like a zombie and dance to the tunes of his family members.

Name : Tanya
Age: Old Enough to use curse words like Fs and Bs.
Education : Double Doctorate from WhatsApp University.
Seeks a groom qualified to be a henpecked husband, with in depth knowledge of economics especially the law of demand and supply. She will keep demanding and he has to keep supplying.

As chaos ensued at, with mismatched profiles causing uproar among hopeful romantics, Bob reclined in his chair, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips. Who knew love could be so entertaining, especially when it came with a side of revenge?

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