Photo by Inzmam Khan on
Oh, no! The Pandora's Box has just been opened,
Out pour the shadows, the world's ills unspoken.
Question papers leaked, integrity's loss,
Trains derailed, at humanity's cost.

Communal violence, blood on the streets,
Hatred on social media, where venom meets.
Narrow minds shrinking, hearts turning cold,
Crimes against women, stories of horror unfold.

Students' dreams shattered, their hopes cast aside,
Farmers' lives wither, swallowed by the tide.
Amidst all this chaos, we fight a lost war,
Debating which faith reigns superior, our minds scar.

In this madness, I've come to conclude,
The human race's fall, a sad prelude.
For in our discord, the truth becomes clear,
Our species' flaw is what's truly inferior.

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#PandorasBox #WorldInChaos #SocialIlls #IntegrityLost #ViolenceAndHate #NarrowMinds #CrimesAgainstWomen #SuicideCrisis #ReligiousDiscord #HumanityLost #InferiorRace #WakeUpHumanity #TimeForChange



Photo by Askar Abayev on
Why are human relationships so fragile? 
And human nature is filled with contempt, greed, and guile.
After all, we are the residents of the earth, only for a short while.
So, what's the need to frown? Let us smile.

Wearing the masks of artificiality, we are leading a double life.
Some people hide their evil intentions just like a sugar-coated knife.
They put on a facade of normalcy despite going through strife.
Bonds of love and trust have weakened between a husband and wife.

Deserting parents in recent times,
Is another one added to the list of crimes?
They weep bitterly over their fate, looking forward to their death bell chimes.
For the sake of raising their children, they saved every penny and dime.

I pity the future generation for they might not know the grandparents they had.
How they spent their youthful lives, raising their moms and dads?
The memories of my golden childhood with my grandparents make me glad.
A dent in human relationships seems to be the latest fad.

Ruing over the lost relationship is of no use. Broken fragments of fragile relations are a part of emotional refuse.
It's beyond my wildest imagination to live the life of a recluse.
Love, status, fame, or wealth, be careful with what you choose.

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#poem#relationship#agedparents#marriedcouples#estrangements#familyvalues#social status #grandparents.



( Openverse)

Oh, convincing lies, youโ€™re such a charming art,
You spin your tales and tug at every heart.
With sugar-coated words and polished gleam,
You craft a world that's better than the dream.

Oh, truths are dull, they lack your zest,
In your embrace, who needs to second-guess?
You paint the sky in shades of gold and blue,
Convincing us that falsehoods can be true.

Reality, it pales when youโ€™re around,
Your fabrications know no bound.
Who needs the facts? Theyโ€™re such a bore,
When your sweet lies can offer so much more.

So hereโ€™s to you, oh master of disguise,
You clever, crafty, convincing lies.
For in your web, we choose to stay,
Lost in the fantasies you weave each day.

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#Poetry #CreativeWriting #LiesAndTruth #Deception #ArtOfLying #FantasyVsReality #Illusions #MasterOfDisguise #Fiction #TruthVsFiction #CharmingLies




Monday Blues for me begin, 
With every phone call made by my kin,
Don't you dare take risks with the project,
Your venture has no prospect.

Some people are born as blabbermouth.
Their filthy mouths utter words uncouth.
These are the people whose bodies reek of poison.
They leave no stone unturned to insult you every season.

Boasting is the latest trend.
Self-righteousness is another excuse to defend, The increasing level of strain in human relationships.
Friends and families drift apart due to unfounded gossip.

Ego and jealousy affect human minds.
And they resort to unscrupulous behavior of all kinds.
They try to usurp the hard-earned wealth.
As they ensnare their loved ones in their greed trap by stealth.

It's this self-righteousness that makes them believe,
That they are entitled to earn more than they receive.
They think that they are the descendants of God,
They are genuine while the rest of the world is a fraud.

It's my humble request to all the lovely people out there,
There are egomaniacs and self-righteous people scattered all over. Beware!
Their only aim is to create a dent in your self-confidence.
So that you may remain submissive to their arrogance.

They are just an obstacle in your path to success.
Ignore their vitriolic words, and don't give them access.
To your private life and don't reveal your goals or dreams.
Be immune to their pessimism and turn a deaf ear to their screams.

Hi Friends,

You must be wondering why I have taken to human bashing. I know that good people with magnanimous hearts and pleasing attitudes also exist in this world along with all time jerks. I am not against humans or despise them. This poem is a word of caution to those who are kind, naive, have great ambitions, and believe in the goodness of humanity. So, they reveal their future plans to their family members, friends and people who pretend to be their well wishers. Other than our parents and siblings, it’s difficult to trust anyone. Based on my bitter experience with my own family members, except for my mother, brother, and daughter, I have composed this poem. Fortunately, I have great friends like you for which I am grateful to WordPress.

It’s because of your constant support and encouragement that I still believe in humanity and the existence of wonderful human beings outnumbering the evil ones. So, let your work speak and not your words.

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

#poem#selfrighteous#troublemakers#ego #greed#jealous #pessimism



Photo by Yan Krukau on
Children, the fragile creations of God,
Born with dreams, destined to trod
Paths meant to bloom with laughter and light,
Yet shadows of sorrow darken their night.

Eyes that should sparkle with joy and delight,
Now dimmed by the weight of an unending fight.
Hands meant for play, for crayons and clay,
Chained to the toil that steals youth away.

In the hush of the night, their cries go unheard,
Silent screams of innocence, muffled words.
Molestation's grasp, a soul-shattering hold,
A tale of despair that's cruelly retold.

Bruised by the world, their trust ripped apart,
Scarred are their bodies, but more so their hearts.
Begging for mercy on streets cold and bare,
A life stripped of dignity, no one to care.

Labored from dawn to the dead of the night,
Robbed of the childhood that's their birthright.
Small fingers blistered, small backs bent low,
In the factoriesโ€™ heat or the fields they sow.

Why must they suffer, these angels of grace?Why must they bear such a sorrowful face?
The world must awaken, rise to their plea,
Break the chains binding, set their souls free.

For every child deserves the right to be free,
To laugh, to play, to simply just be.
In a world where theyโ€™re cherished, protected with love,
Where dreams are nurtured, and they rise above.

Children, the fragile creations of God,
Must walk paths of joy, where angels have trod.
Let us be the change, let us stand tall,
To protect every child, to answer their call.

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#EndChildAbuse #ProtectChildren #StopChildLabor #ChildhoodMatters #SaveTheChildren #EndChildExploitation #EveryChildCounts #ChildRights #NoMoreAbuse #ChildrenDeserveBetter #StandUpForKids #BreakTheChains #InnocenceLost #FightForChildhood #HopeForEveryChild



Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Lost in the labyrinth of complicated humans,
A tangled web of motives, whispers, lies.
Each turn reveals a face, a mask that summons.
A question in my gaze, a silent sigh.

Their laughter echoes, sharp and full of secrets,
Their tears, a hidden language, hard to read.
I search for threads of truth, a path that beckons,
But every twist confounds, plants doubt instead.

Are they machines of logic, cold equations,
Or creatures ruled by passion's fiery might?
They build and break their fragile affiliations,
Leaving me adrift in the fading light.

Yet, in their chaos, flickers of compassion,
A tender touch, a kindness unforeseen.
Perhaps this labyrinth holds transformation,
A chance to bridge the gap, to understand, to glean.

So I press on, with patience as my weapon,
To map this maze of hearts, both fierce and frail.
For in their depths, a hidden beauty's sleeping,
And maybe, just maybe, I'll find my own way out, and prevail.

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Photo by Kh-ali-li on
Beware of misleading ads in the digital age,
Where truth and falsehood engage.
In the tangled web of cyberspace,
Deception hides its treacherous face.

Fake news whispers in the virtual wind,
Sowing seeds of doubt within.
Blind belief, a willing accomplice,
Fuels the fire of misinformation's malice.

Sensational headlines lure the eye,
Leading the unsuspecting astray, oh my!
Images distorted, stories spun,
In the labyrinth of deceit, we all can be undone.

But amidst the chaos, a glimmer of light,
Guiding us through the darkest night.
With vigilant minds and hearts unswayed,
We navigate the maze that falsehoods made.

Education becomes our beacon, our might,
Against the tide of deception's flight.
With knowledge as our unwavering guide,
We pierce the veil where truth may hide.

So let us heed this warning call,
And stand firm against falsehood's thrall.
In the pursuit of truth, let us be brave,
For in unity, we triumph over the digital wave.

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#BewareOfFakeNews #DigitalDeception #MisleadingAds #TruthMatters #CriticalThinking #FactCheck #EducateYourself #StayVigilant #FightFakeNews #SeekTruth #MediaLiteracy #StayInformed #QuestionEverything #VerifySources #BelieveInEvidence #NoToBlindBelief #OnlineIntegrity #CombatMisinformation #EmpowermentThroughKnowledge



Photo by Pixabay on
How long will we be addressed as weaker sex?
In a world where justice seems perplexed,
Where the cries of the violated echo in vain,
And the perpetrators roam free, untamed.

With each passing day, a new story unfolds,
Of innocence shattered, and justice untold.
Women, once revered, now live in fear,
As society turns a blind eye, refusing to hear.

Is this the world we dreamed to inherit?
Where freedom and safety seem but a spirit,
Lost amidst the shadows of apathy and greed,
While the voices of the oppressed plead.

But let us not be silenced, let us rise,
For every woman's worth, we'll vocalize.
No longer will we accept this unjust fate,
For the time for change, it's never too late.

We'll stand together, hand in hand,
And reclaim the dignity stolen from our land.
For we are not weak, but strong and brave,
And our voices will echo, demanding to save.

So let us unite, and let it be known,
That the era of oppression is overthrown.
For justice will prevail, and truth will shine,
In a world where equality is truly divine.

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Photo by Pixabay on
Amidst external strife, our inner turmoil brews,
A silent battle, oftentimes unseen, but felt in every hue.
In chaos, we seek solace, in disorder, we crave order,
Yearning for love's embrace, for peace to be our border.

Yet, violence persists, its logic lost in the fray,
Leaving souls weary, as hope slowly fades away.
Is humanity a endangered species, on the brink of the end,
Or will we rise from the ashes, stronger, to amend?

The hunger for wealth, the lust for power, knows no end,
A ceaseless pursuit, where morality begins to bend.
Bloodshed stains history, yet the thirst remains unquenched,
Leaving scars on the earth, where once dreams were entrenched.

In the digital age, we're ensnared by AI's allure,
Trusting forwarded words, our skepticism obscure.
Do we pause to ponder, to question, to verify,
Or blindly accept, letting truth slip by?

In the echo chambers of misinformation's abyss,
Do we seek the light of truth, or remain in ignorance's kiss?
The path to clarity obscured by the fog of deceit,
Yet within our grasp lies the power to defeat.

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š




Photo by Bhawani Shankar kumawat on
Believe in God, but open your eyes wide,
Don't let blind faith become your guide.
Seek truth within the whispers of the soul,
Let reason and wisdom play their role.

For faith is not in darkness confined,
But in the light of an enlightened mind.
Question, ponder, and deeply reflect,
In the search for truth, never neglect.

Believe in God, let your heart be pure,
But let your intellect also endure.
For faith is stronger when it's tested true,
In the crucible of doubt, it shines anew.

So believe in God with an open heart,
But let reason and inquiry play their part.
For true belief is not in ignorance found,
But in the balance of faith and reason, profound.

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#BelieveWithReason #FaithAndIntellect #OpenHeartOpenMind #QuestionWithFaith #EnlightenedBelief