To Post Or Not To Post.

Lekha and Rhea Patel, the dynamic duo of comedy in The Oshiwara Colony, Mumbai, were used to entertaining audiences with their quick wit and sharp humor. However, nothing could have prepared them for the arrival of their father’s cousin, Ramakant, along with his wife Nisha and their two sons, Mukul and Rohan. What was supposed to be a brief visit had turned into a week-long ordeal, as the Patel family descended upon their home and proceeded to wreak havoc on their lives.Lekha and Rhea’s parents and grandmother were fed up with their antics.

Lekha had a brilliant idea and whispered her plans to Rhea who giggled and gave her thumbs up to put their plan into action. They started clicking pictures of Ramakant and his family.

As she scrolled through the absurd pictures she’d taken, she couldn’t resist adding captions that perfectly captured the essence of their visit.

Caption 1: Meet Mr. Ramakant, the Oshiwara Colony’s very own expert nose cleaner. For a nose-picking experience like no other, call 0123456789. Satisfaction guaranteed or your nose hair back!

Lekha stifled a laugh as she continued.

Caption 2: Introducing Mrs. Nisha Patel, the hair maestro. Need a head massage or lice removal? Just 100₹ each! Warning: May cause uncontrollable laughter.

She could hardly contain herself as she thought about Mukul’s cockroach encounter.

Caption 3: Think your kids are a handful? Watch Mukul, the human monkey, master the art of clinging to his mom after a close encounter with a cockroach. Monkey business at its finest!

The image of Rohan attempting a somersault was too good to pass up.

Caption 4: Rohan, the fashion innovator. Hate your pants? No worries! Call Rohan for expert pant-tearing services. A hole new wardrobe awaits you!

Lekha couldn’t help but burst into laughter as she tackled the family dinner photo.

Caption 5: Ever seen crocodiles or hippos devour their meals with gusto? Neither have we, but behold the Patel family, masters of wide-mouthed dining. A spectacle you can’t unsee!

She grinned at her creative captions, finding solace in humor amidst the chaos. As the week unfolded, Lekha and Rhea’s laughter became their shield against the antics of the Patel family, turning their misadventures into a comedy of errors that would be remembered for years to come.

Lekha couldn’t resist the temptation to share her masterpieces with the entire family, including Ramakant and his wife. With a mischievous glint in her eye, she sent the photos and captions flying through the family group chat, knowing full well the uproar they would cause.

As the messages pinged on everyone’s phones, chaos ensued. Ramakant and Nisha’s expressions morphed from confusion to horror as they realized the extent of their embarrassment. Hastily packing their bags, they made a swift exit, eager to escape the impending humiliation of Lekha’s Facebook post.

With their departure, Lekha and her family heaved a collective sigh of relief, their home returning to its peaceful state once more. And as Lekha hit the “post” button, she couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of the reactions her photos would elicit from their friends and neighbors. After all, a little laughter was the perfect remedy for even the most chaotic of family visits.

Note : Lekha and Rhea Patel are the beloved characters from my book, “The Misadventures of The Comedienne Sisters,” available for purchase on Amazon, Flipkart, and Notionpress. This standalone short story offers a delightful glimpse into their world of comedy and chaos.

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#OshiwaraColonyComedyQueens #FamilyAntics #NosePickingExpert #LiceRemovalGurus #MonkeyBusiness #WardrobeMalfunctionMaster #DinnerTimeDrama #FacebookFiasco #LaughterIsTheBestMedicine

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