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Anjali Shukla, the Grade 5 English teacher, had tears running down her face as she couldn’t help but laugh over an answer written by a student, Bobby Grewal. The question was supposed to be:

Name 5 popular idioms.

However, due to a typo, the question read:

Name 5 popular idiots.

Bobby’s answer was:
“Class Monitor Deepesh is a popular idiot who thinks he is very intelligent and his grandfather was Einstein.
Bhavana is another idiot who likes to munch on Nestle’s Crunch chocolate.
Pinky, Jatin, and Vineet are rich idiots who think they own the school.

Trying to compose herself, Ms. Shukla turned to the next answer by Bobby, hoping for something less amusing. The question read:

Q2: Use the idiom ‘raining cats and dogs’ in a sentence.

Bobby’s answer was:
Yesterday, it was raining cats and dogs, and I had to chase my neighbor’s dog out of our garden while avoiding all the cats falling from the sky.

Suppressing a giggle, Ms. Shukla moved to the next question:

Q3: What is a metaphor?

Bobby had written:
A metaphor is when you say something is something else. Like, my little brother is a tornado because he destroys everything in his path, especially my room. But I have a doubt. What happened to Metaone, Metatwo, and MetaThree?

By now, Anjali was struggling to keep a straight face but managed to read the next one:

Q4: Write a simile to describe how someone runs fast.

Bobby’s answer read:
She runs as fast as a chicken on roller skates trying to cross the highway.

Wiping away tears of laughter, Anjali read the final question on Bobby’s paper:

Q5: Explain the difference between a synonym and an antonym.

Bobby humorously penned:
A synonym commands Nym not to see any nym (sy-no-nym) and antonym means an ant calling a nym(ant-o-nym).

Ms. Shukla, though finding it challenging to maintain her composure, continued to read the next question:

Q6: Write a short paragraph using alliteration.

Bobby wrote:
“Bobby’s big blue balloon burst because Benny’s bulldog bit it. Benny begged Bobby for forgiveness, but Bobby’s blue balloon was beyond repair.”

Stifling her laughter, she moved on to:

Q7: Define hyperbole and give an example.

Bobby’s response was:
Hyperbole is when you exaggerate so much that it sounds ridiculous. Like when I say I have a mountain of homework, but it’s really just one worksheet.

Ms. Shukla, shaking her head in amusement, read the next:

Q8: What is onomatopoeia? Give an example.

Bobby’s answer:
Onomatopoeia is when a word sounds like the noise it makes. Like ‘buzz’ for bees or ‘boom’ for explosions. Or like my dad snoring, which goes ‘ZZZZZZZ.

Barely containing her giggles, she turned to:

Q9: Write a sentence with a pun.

Bobby’s witty reply:
I haven’t heard of a pun. It might be a long lost cousin of a bun.

Finally, Ms. Shukla reached the last question:

Q10: What is irony?

Bobby’s answer read:
It’s Rony introducing himself, ” I Rony, and you? “

Barely catching her breath, Ms. Shukla read on:

Q11: Create a tongue twister with at least five words.

Bobby wrote:
Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep.

With tears of laughter in her eyes, she continued:

Q12: What is personification? Give an example.

Bobby’s creative response:
Personification is when you give human traits to things that aren’t human. Like when my alarm clock yells at me every morning whereas my bed begs me not to go.

Anjali took a deep breath and read the next one:

Q13: Write a sentence using the idiom ‘barking up the wrong tree.

Bobby’s answer:
My sister thought I ate her candy, but she was barking up the wrong tree – it was our dog.

Shaking her head with a smile, she moved on:

Q14: Explain the meaning of ‘break the ice’ and use it in a sentence.

Bobby’s response:
Break the ice is to break a big piece of ice into several pieces so that we could dump them in juice glasses.
My dad broke the ice tray along with the ice.

Ms. Shukla’s laughter was now uncontrollable as she reached the final question:

Q 15: Write a short story using the phrase piece of cake.

Bobby’s story:
My neighbor offered us a piece of cake that she had made. It was harder than that of Hagrid’s rock cakes and my sister lost a tooth when she tried to take a bite.

Anjali Shukla, though finding it challenging to maintain her composure, couldn’t help but admire Bobby’s creative approach. As she handed back the papers, she decided to have a little chat with Bobby about the importance of serious answers, though secretly, she looked forward to his next witty response.

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