
Monday Blues for me begin, 
With every phone call made by my kin,
Don't you dare take risks with the project,
Your venture has no prospect.

Some people are born as blabbermouth.
Their filthy mouths utter words uncouth.
These are the people whose bodies reek of poison.
They leave no stone unturned to insult you every season.

Boasting is the latest trend.
Self-righteousness is another excuse to defend, The increasing level of strain in human relationships.
Friends and families drift apart due to unfounded gossip.

Ego and jealousy affect human minds.
And they resort to unscrupulous behavior of all kinds.
They try to usurp the hard-earned wealth.
As they ensnare their loved ones in their greed trap by stealth.

It's this self-righteousness that makes them believe,
That they are entitled to earn more than they receive.
They think that they are the descendants of God,
They are genuine while the rest of the world is a fraud.

It's my humble request to all the lovely people out there,
There are egomaniacs and self-righteous people scattered all over. Beware!
Their only aim is to create a dent in your self-confidence.
So that you may remain submissive to their arrogance.

They are just an obstacle in your path to success.
Ignore their vitriolic words, and don't give them access.
To your private life and don't reveal your goals or dreams.
Be immune to their pessimism and turn a deaf ear to their screams.

Hi Friends,

You must be wondering why I have taken to human bashing. I know that good people with magnanimous hearts and pleasing attitudes also exist in this world along with all time jerks. I am not against humans or despise them. This poem is a word of caution to those who are kind, naive, have great ambitions, and believe in the goodness of humanity. So, they reveal their future plans to their family members, friends and people who pretend to be their well wishers. Other than our parents and siblings, it’s difficult to trust anyone. Based on my bitter experience with my own family members, except for my mother, brother, and daughter, I have composed this poem. Fortunately, I have great friends like you for which I am grateful to WordPress.

It’s because of your constant support and encouragement that I still believe in humanity and the existence of wonderful human beings outnumbering the evil ones. So, let your work speak and not your words.

Thank you so much for taking your precious to visit my website. Hope you enjoyed reading my blogs. 😊😊

#poem#selfrighteous#troublemakers#ego #greed#jealous #pessimism

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