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Radhika Verma glanced out her window with a sigh. Mrs. Vandana Gadhvi, her meddlesome neighbor, was at it again, peeking through the curtains and plotting matchmaking schemes involving Radhika and her nephew Shashank.

Fed up with Mrs. Gadhvi’s relentless interference, Radhika devised a mischievous plan. Knowing Mrs. Gadhvi’s weaknesses for astrology and money, she enlisted the help of her friend Supriya to orchestrate a series of prank calls.

Prank Call #1:

The Horrorscope

Radhika and Supriya huddled over the phone, stifling giggles as Supriya dialed Mrs. Gadhvi’s number.

Ring… ring…

Vandana Gadhvi: Hello?Supriya (as Mrs. Gadhi): Namaste, Mrs. Gadhvi. This is Mrs. Gadhi calling from the Astrological Society of Mumbai.

Vandana Gadhvi: Oh, hello! What can I do for you?

Supriya: I have some concerning news regarding your neighbor, Radhika Verma. According to her horoscope, she poses a grave threat to her future in-laws.

Vandana Gadhvi: Goodness gracious! What kind of threat?

Supriya: It seems Radhika’s cooking skills are… shall we say, less than stellar. Her future in-laws are at risk of dysentery and severe stomach problems if they dine at her table.

Vandana Gadhvi: Oh dear! I must warn Shashank’s parents immediately. Thank you for letting me know!

Supriya (struggling to contain laughter): You’re welcome, Mrs. Gadhvi. Take care now.

*End of Call*

Later that evening, Vandana paid a visit to Radhika’s parents, her face a mix of embarrassment and resignation.

“I apologize for all the trouble I’ve caused. It seems my nephew, Shashank, has found someone else. If only Radhika had known how to cook…” She recounted the call she received from the purported Astrological Society of Mumbai, realizing only then the absurdity of the situation.

Radhika’s parents exchanged knowing glances, stifling their laughter as they listened to Vandana’s tale. They made no attempt to explain or correct her misunderstanding. After Vandana left, the entire family erupted into laughter, unable to contain their amusement at the prank Radhika had pulled off.

Undeterred by the previous incident, Mrs. Gadhvi continued her relentless meddling, offering unsolicited advice to Radhika on everything from culinary skills to attracting potential suitors. Despite Radhika’s polite refusals, Mrs. Gadhvi persisted in her well-meaning but intrusive attempts to mold her into the perfect wife and daughter-in-law.

Frustrated by Mrs. Gadhvi’s persistent interference, Radhika sought refuge in her trusted confidante, Supriya. Together, they concocted yet another prank to put Mrs. Gadhvi’s nosiness to rest.Radhika and Supriya concocted another scheme.

Ring… ring…

Vandana Gadhvi: Hello?

Supriya (using a different voice): Namaste, Mrs. Gadhvi. Congratulations! You’ve won a free consultation with Dr. Pankaj Gulati worth ₹20,000!

Vandana Gadhvi (excitedly): Oh, how wonderful! When can I schedule the appointment?

Supriya (struggling to contain laughter again): Dr. Gulati is available tomorrow afternoon. Shall I book it for you?

Vandana Gadhvi: Yes, yes, please do! This is such a blessing!

*End of Call*

After the second call…

Radhika: Did she fall for it?

Supriya (between fits of laughter): Hook, line, and sinker! She thinks she’s won a health check-up with a renowned doctor.

Radhika: But Pankaj Gulati is a psychiatrist!

Supriya: Exactly! This is going to be priceless.

The duo dissolved into laughter, reveling in the success of their prank and looking forward to Mrs. Gadhvi’s reaction when she discovered the truth about her “free consultation.”After this trick, Mrs. Vandana Gadhvi, finally learned to mind her own business.

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#MeddlingNeighbor #PranksterRadhika #NosyNeighbors #BestFriendsForever #NeighborlyNuisance

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