Oh, the eternal struggle of deciding what to cook for breakfast, lunch, and dinner—it’s the Homemaker’s Hamlet moment, “To cook or not to cook, that is the question.” But let’s not kid ourselves; the real dilemma is what to cook. This culinary conundrum is a universal theme, transcending kitchens and creeping into the lives of content creators, YouTubers, bloggers, and writers, who stare into the abyss of their creative souls only to ask, “What on earth do I post today?”

This “what to” conundrum doesn’t stop at the stove or the keyboard. It’s a multi-faceted beast. Consider the wardrobe warzone. Standing before a closet full of clothes yet declaring, “I have nothing to wear!” is the fashion equivalent of staring into a full fridge and claiming there’s nothing to eat. The paradox! The drama!

Then, there’s the digital doom scroll. “What to watch?” becomes an evening enigma, as you spend more time browsing Netflix than actually watching anything. It’s the paradox of choice in its full, glowing glory, turning us all into indecisive zombies.

For those with a bit of wanderlust, “Where to travel next?” can lead to hours lost in the rabbit hole of Instagram travel feeds, where every destination looks like a #TopBucketList spot, and you end up overwhelmed and just visiting your aunt in the next town over—again.

Even the act of reading isn’t safe. Book lovers wander the aisles of bookstores or fall down online review holes wondering, “What to read next?” only to re-read Harry Potter for the umpteenth time. It’s a safe choice; after all, Hogwarts always feels like coming home.

So, whether you’re battling the “what to cook” saga, stuck in a creative rut wondering “what to post,” or drowning in the sea of endless choices, remember, you’re not alone. The struggle is real, and oddly enough, it’s what unites us in our uniquely human way of making life unnecessarily complicated.

And if all else fails, remember: Breakfast for dinner is always a valid option, and posting about your indecision might just be the relatable content your followers didn’t know they needed.

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