( Openverse)

Oh, convincing lies, you’re such a charming art,
You spin your tales and tug at every heart.
With sugar-coated words and polished gleam,
You craft a world that's better than the dream.

Oh, truths are dull, they lack your zest,
In your embrace, who needs to second-guess?
You paint the sky in shades of gold and blue,
Convincing us that falsehoods can be true.

Reality, it pales when you’re around,
Your fabrications know no bound.
Who needs the facts? They’re such a bore,
When your sweet lies can offer so much more.

So here’s to you, oh master of disguise,
You clever, crafty, convincing lies.
For in your web, we choose to stay,
Lost in the fantasies you weave each day.

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#Poetry #CreativeWriting #LiesAndTruth #Deception #ArtOfLying #FantasyVsReality #Illusions #MasterOfDisguise #Fiction #TruthVsFiction #CharmingLies

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